Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Homemade Yogurt - Revisted

A new experiment - well, sort of, BUT today I am going to attempt (drum roll, please) to make yogurt using store bought milk.  OK, I know that sounds rather boring but this can be really big if you are a yogurt fan like I am and a container of Greek yogurt at Walmart costs $1 a container - that gets expensive!! 

So here is what you need and it is SO easy!!!  1 quart of whole milk and 1 container of yogurt.  Make sure the label on the yogurt says that it contains live and active yogurt cultures - otherwise this is not going to work!!  I have had a lot of success with Chobani yogurts.  I use either the plain or the vanilla.  Don't choose any of the "flavored" ones like black cherry, blueberry, etc.  - plain or vanilla will work just fine.

First, pour the milk in a sauce pan and heat to 185 degrees.  Then cool to 115 degrees.  I know that sounds kind of stupid, but trust me this is an important step.

Now I will pour the milk into a pyrex casserolle dish and add 2 tablespoons of the Chobani yogurt.  Mix thoroughly.  I always use a whisk - that works really well for me.  Cover the bowl with the glass top that comes with the casserolle dish.

The important thing with making yogurt is that you need to keep it at a constant temperature.  This is where my proofing box REALLY comes in handy.  Here is a link to that proofing box:;postID=6222357938742825808

Keep the yogurt in the proofing box for about 6 to 8 hours until the milk/yogurt has thicken.  Now but the casserolle dish in the refrigerator for another 6 to 8 hours. 

I like the Greek style yogurt.  If you don't, you can now add fruit, jam, honey, etc. to the yogurt and ENJOY!  Otherwise, line a colander with two layers of cheesecloth.  Place the colander over a larger bowl so that it will collect the whey from the yogurt.  Spoon the yogurt into the colander with the cheesecloth and let this drain in your refrigerator for another 6 hours.  NOW you have Greek yogurt  - YUM!  You can add fruit, jam, granola, honey or whatever you like.  ENJOY!!!

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