Monday, November 2, 2009

Sour Rye Bread

Today I am going to try the Sour Rye Bread recipe I got from Bob Packer (Old Camp Cook).

Last night I made the sponge (rye sourdough starter, rye flour and water). I checked on it this morning and it is nicely and bubbly. So a good start!!! I am really curious to see how this bread turns out. I have tried Sourdough Rye before but the loaves turned out very hard (probably make good doorstops!).

I was not very pleased with the No-Knead Sourdough bread. First, it was extremely hard to work with - a very wet dough. And I didn't get much of a rise when baking it. I talked with Eric at Breadtopia and he had a few suggestions for me to try next time - add more flour and shorten the proofing time from 18 hours to 12. Not sure I will give it a try or not.


  1. Packer's recipe is excellent. The dough is sticky--all rye dough is. I oil everything that touches it until it's shaped and wear nitrile gloves (oiled) when handling it so I don't have to spend an hour picking it off my hands.

  2. I agree, it is an excellent recipe!! I haven't made it in a long time. Thank you for your comment!!
